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Washington Beet Grower of the Year

Troy Hartley

"On the Petrik program, we have seen a much quicker emergence, and the plant is larger and stronger and is less likely to get cut off by the wind. It gets past critical frost stage much quicker. Through the season, it remains visibly healthier and less susceptible to disease and harsh weather conditions. The plant does not wilt down in the heat. It remains actively growing. Over the past years, we have averaged a three ton to the acre increase, as well as a 7.5 percent increase in sugar content in our beets, which also means we’re hauling more sugar per load. This makes our freight cheaper per unit. Last year, we were named the Washing Beet Grower of the Year, which is a direct benefit of the Petrik Program.”

Sid Hanks

"We had a problem with pink rot in some of our fields. It was bad enough that we had a tough time storing them. We found out about the Petrik System and decided to give it a try. We began to see results right away. The plants were healthier and we were using less water for irrigation. At harvest time, we were virtually pink-rot free, and our yields and quality had improved. After four years, we have seen an improvement in soil structure and overall plant health. The crops are not as susceptible to disease and pests."

Valley Point Farms LLC

Brian and Brook Bybee

"Since using the Petrik Program from Sustainable AG, we have seen many benefits to our farming operation.  We started noticing a stronger root base to our potatoes. We use a water consultant for our potatoes, he started noticing that we were using less water. We were turning off our water more frequently and for longer periods of time. The next benefit we noticed was at harvest.  Our soil was so mellow you could hardly keep dirt up on our chains. This was on ground that we have always struggled trying to reduce it on the chains in the past. On our potatoes we were yielding around 360 cwt.

Using this program mixed with some other changes to our potato program, we have increased our yield to 390-400 cwt consistently. In 2015 we started raising seed peas. The variety that we planted had a history of producing around 3,000 lbs.  We did all that our field man asked us to do. The only thing we did differently was apply this program to the peas.  When we harvested, our peas yielded just a little under 4,000 lbs. I have no doubt that the change we have seen is due to the Petrik system we are using from Sustainable AG."

County Agent for Oregon State University

Jim Burr

"On a trial of onions, Where The Petrik System was used the yield was 24.7 tons per acre, and the regular fertilizer program went 19.6. Specific gravities on The Petrik System, were 1.091 or 23% solids, and the regular was 1.03 or 21.4% solids."